The helper application must be a World Wide Web browser (such as Netscape). Setting an application that is not a World Wide Web browser as the Help helper will result in error messages. Some mouse clicks may seem to pass through the timer window. This is a known bug in all versions of System 7. To fix this problem you should install the “TSM Fix” extension that came with this software package. This notice will not be displayed again. Sorry, but your system doesn't support floating windows. You won't be able to turn this option on. The preferences file was created with an older version of Coffee Break, and will need to be reset to the defaults. DO NOT use the older version again unless you delete the preferences file! Error coercing Apple Event Error sending Apple Event Error adding descriptor record to Apple Event Error creating Apple Event Error creating Apple Event descriptor record Error launching application Error reading from file Error closing file Error setting end of file Error writing to file Error opening file Error getting helper application name Error creating Coffee Break Help file. Either there's not enough memory to load the PICT, or my resources are corrupted. Try increasing my memory allocation. Error sending callback command to sound channel. Error sending flush command to sound channel. Error sending wait command to sound channel. Error playing sound. Error creating new sound channel. Error adding to preferences file -- please trash the old one and try again. Sorry, you cannot snooze. Please set your work time to a higher value than 1. Sorry, that is not a valid entry. Please choose an integer value less than your specified work time. Sorry, you've already hit snooze once. You may not do so again until after your next break. Error creating Coffee Break Preferences file. Error opening Coffee Break Preferences file. Error creating FSSpec. Something appears to be wrong with your system. I couldn't find the Preferences folder. Error getting process information. Error getting sound. Try increasing my suggested memory size in the "Get Info" window. Due to a resource error, I find I must crash now. 'Bye... Could not find 'Cafe' Gestalt. Could not install the 'Cafe' Gestalt selector. Could not install the 'SAVR' Gestalt selector. Could not load Gestalt Definition resource. That option won't take effect until after the next break. Sorry, I can't figure out what version of QuickDraw you have. Sorry, only integer values in the range 1..32767 are allowed. Sorry, but you don't have a screen saver that is compatible with that option. Couldn't process the Apple Event. Sorry, I can't install my Apple Event handlers. Sorry, I can't find a KCHR resource. Hmm, what? Where was I, I don't remember... Maybe I need more memory! Shame, shame, shame! Have you been messing with my resources? I can't find a menu bar! Sorry, Coffee Break requires System 7.0 or better.